jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

Post 7: My Best Friend

Hi! Today I have to talk about my best friend, well, first I have to say that I'm very lucky because I have two bests friends that have been close to me for so many years.
One of my bests friends calls Macarena, I met her at school when we were four years old, so we have been friends for like sixteen years. I consider she like on of my bests friends because we have been always together, in good and bad moments she is like my sister, I can trust in her and I know that she will be always with me. Also, now she lives very close to my house, so when I need to talk with someone I know that she is there for me.I think that the best memory that I have with her I when we were to Brazil, It was very nice to know a new place with her.
When I changed from school I met Constanza, my other best friend. We have been friends for five years, but I feel that we met from all ours lifes. She is very similar to me, we listen the same music so we always go to concerts together. I think that the best memory with her were when we went to the south.
I'm very happy to have two bests friends in my like, I know that I can trust in them and they can trust on me.

6 comentarios:

  1. It must have been very funny to travel with your best friends. I hope you can keep the contact with them.

  2. Hello! I also traveled with my friend, is a nice memory!

  3. It's really nice have someone in who you can trust, and you have two person like that!

  4. I think you are very fortunate for your two friends! is a beautiful history.

  5. That beautiful friendship! I want to travel Brazil with my best friend, too.

  6. I would have loved to be able to travel with my best friend, that good story;)
