jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

Post 4: Election Day

Hi! Today I have to talk about elections.
First I have to say that I've never vote for elections, because I think that vote has not importance, because always wins the same people. Especially here in Chile, because we have the "Sistema Binominal" so always wins someone from de two big coalitions. For me to vote is participate on this farce in which they want to convince us that we are free for choose who govern us.
I think that is more important participate in ours spaces like universities or in ours neighborhoods than only with the elections in which we participate only once a year (or less).
So because of that I won't vote in the next presidential election.
About the electoral campaigns I think that are a lie, because politicians say always the same things but the never do changes that benefit the people who need. Also, they fill the streets with advertising that after transform in trash.
I've never consider becoming a politician, because I prefer do changes in my everyday, in an horizontal way.
Finally, I think that a politician has to be an outgoing person and has to be confidence in himself.

5 comentarios:

  1. we always see the same campaigns, the same posters and then the same trash. that's so sad

  2. I think the same... participate in ours spaces is politic too!


  3. I think the same... participate in ours spaces is politic too!


  4. I think the same... participate in ours spaces is politic too!


  5. I agree with you. The politic sistem in Chile is a farce
