jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

Post 9: 2015 Reflections Have you had a good year?

Hello! Today I have to talk about my year.
First, I have to say that this year is ending very fast, maybe I think that because I did a lot oh things this year. Despite this, I think that this has been a very good year  but also a very tiring year.
In the University, this has been a quiet year, I think that I will pass all my subjects.

Also, I participate in a organization with some of my neighbors, this year we began our free football school, this has been a great challenge for us, because it involves much constant effort, we do the classes two times a week. This has not been easy, but is gratifying see the progress of children and see their smiling faces.

This year also has been a year of new learnings, I learnt to do "serigrafía", so now I'm participating on a brigade. Also I'm doing a class to learn "mapuzungun".

Also, this year I could travel a lot to watch Colo-Colo matches, I traveled to Antofagasta, Talcahuano (two times) and Valparaiso. I hope that Colo-Colo would the champion this year.
This year I could go to many concerts like Kevin Johansen, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, Jorge Drexler, Damas Gratis and more.

This has been a really good year, I did a lot of things but all with support of my boyfriend and family.
And I can say that all the things that I did during the year made me very happy.

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015

Post 8: Summer Plans

Hi! Today I have to talk about my summer plans. 
Really I am not sure what I will do this summer, but I know that I would like to rest a lot, because this year has been really tiresome, so I have not had much time to rest. Also, this holiday will begin later than usual so I am waiting for it eagerly. My holidays will begin after Christmas because I have a mandatory exam a day before. I will celebrate Christmas with my family and the New Year with my boyfriend, we will go to the beach to celebrate.
In January I think that I would travel with my mother and my dad, maybe we will go to Peru, because I have family there so we could stay a couple of weeks there.
In February I would like to travel and spend time with my boyfriend and friends. Maybe me and my boyfriend will go to the south because he has family there and he wants me to meet them.
Also I would like to do activities here in Santiago, things like go to the cinema or Theatre, go to the swimming pool, go to the beach and do all the things that I can´t do because I have to study. Because of that I won't work or study in summer, I believe that holidays are made to rest and travel, if you can.

Finally, when summer ends I will celebrate my birthday, first with my family and at night with my friends. I expect to finish my summer in the best way.