jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

Post 7: My Best Friend

Hi! Today I have to talk about my best friend, well, first I have to say that I'm very lucky because I have two bests friends that have been close to me for so many years.
One of my bests friends calls Macarena, I met her at school when we were four years old, so we have been friends for like sixteen years. I consider she like on of my bests friends because we have been always together, in good and bad moments she is like my sister, I can trust in her and I know that she will be always with me. Also, now she lives very close to my house, so when I need to talk with someone I know that she is there for me.I think that the best memory that I have with her I when we were to Brazil, It was very nice to know a new place with her.
When I changed from school I met Constanza, my other best friend. We have been friends for five years, but I feel that we met from all ours lifes. She is very similar to me, we listen the same music so we always go to concerts together. I think that the best memory with her were when we went to the south.
I'm very happy to have two bests friends in my like, I know that I can trust in them and they can trust on me.

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

Post 6: How Green are you?

Hi! Today I have to talk about environment and how protect it. First I have to say that I think that this is a very important topic today because global warming progress so we have to do something for stop it.

I think that the best place to learn environmentally friendly practices is first our homes, is important teach our kids since they are little to protect the environment. After that I believe that the school is very important, because is a place in which we stay a lot of time.
In my case I have incorporated recycling in my habits, in my house we separate the garbaje and we do fertilizer with organic waste. Also, on mi house we prefer use reusable bags when we go to buy something.

I don't participate in any eco-organization because I don't have time, but in the future I would like to participate in a community garden near to my house.

For reduce the carbon footprint is important to use clean energy and try to dont't use the car when is not necessary. In my case, when I have to go to a near place a prefer use my bike.
To end, I think that it's very necessary create public politics for protect out environment like recycling projects in all us neighborhoods. Also is important to build bikeways to promote a healthy lifestyle that also help the environment.

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

Post 5: My Future Job

Hi, today I have to talk about my future job. Could be weird, but I dream with a job that has not connected with Anthopology. I would like to work in something independent in which nobody say to me what I have to do. Also, I know that I want to work in my house, maybe doing something with my hands, like clothes, books, or even cooking something. I'm always searching workshops to learn new things. 
I would like to have an little business with my parents or friends, because I believe that the better is always work with dear people, with who exsist confidence and affection, so this way work would be something fun. My dream is someday have a place with my mother in which we can do things and algo sell it, because my mom weaves really beautiful things.

In case that I have to work on Anthropology, It has to be something outdoor, because I hate close spaces. Also, I would like a job in which I could travel a lot and visit different and far countries, knowing new and different people and cultures, because I like to interact with people and learn new thing of themselves. I think that te best way to learn something is traveling and living new experiences so what better than work on this.

jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

Post 4: Election Day

Hi! Today I have to talk about elections.
First I have to say that I've never vote for elections, because I think that vote has not importance, because always wins the same people. Especially here in Chile, because we have the "Sistema Binominal" so always wins someone from de two big coalitions. For me to vote is participate on this farce in which they want to convince us that we are free for choose who govern us.
I think that is more important participate in ours spaces like universities or in ours neighborhoods than only with the elections in which we participate only once a year (or less).
So because of that I won't vote in the next presidential election.
About the electoral campaigns I think that are a lie, because politicians say always the same things but the never do changes that benefit the people who need. Also, they fill the streets with advertising that after transform in trash.
I've never consider becoming a politician, because I prefer do changes in my everyday, in an horizontal way.
Finally, I think that a politician has to be an outgoing person and has to be confidence in himself.

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

Post 3: A day to remember

I think that a remarkable day in my life was on April 2014. This day my team called Colo-Colo won a championship, the number 30 on their long history.

Colo-Colo played with Santiago Wanderers at 12:00 in Estadio Monumental. I remember that previous days I couldn't sleep, and I thought a lot on the match. When the day came I woke up really early, I couldn't eat anything and I went to the Stadium with mi friends, all of us were really nervous.

The Stadium were full of people eager for watch the match, It's the time that I have seen the stadium fullest of people.

I don´t remember details of the match, but I will never forget the goal of Felipe Flores, I ran to hugged my best friend. The second time of the match was eternal, when finished I started crying because I couldn't believe that we were champions after bad times. It was emotional see so many people crying of emotion for the same reason, and were the same people which I pass bad moments.
After the match I went to celebrate with my friends to my house.