jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

Post 9: 2015 Reflections Have you had a good year?

Hello! Today I have to talk about my year.
First, I have to say that this year is ending very fast, maybe I think that because I did a lot oh things this year. Despite this, I think that this has been a very good year  but also a very tiring year.
In the University, this has been a quiet year, I think that I will pass all my subjects.

Also, I participate in a organization with some of my neighbors, this year we began our free football school, this has been a great challenge for us, because it involves much constant effort, we do the classes two times a week. This has not been easy, but is gratifying see the progress of children and see their smiling faces.

This year also has been a year of new learnings, I learnt to do "serigrafía", so now I'm participating on a brigade. Also I'm doing a class to learn "mapuzungun".

Also, this year I could travel a lot to watch Colo-Colo matches, I traveled to Antofagasta, Talcahuano (two times) and Valparaiso. I hope that Colo-Colo would the champion this year.
This year I could go to many concerts like Kevin Johansen, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, Jorge Drexler, Damas Gratis and more.

This has been a really good year, I did a lot of things but all with support of my boyfriend and family.
And I can say that all the things that I did during the year made me very happy.

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