miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2015

Blog session 6: Challenges in Education.

It is common to hear that Chile is one of the Latin American countries where neoliberalism is most advanced. This becomes visible when we see that our basic rights are commercialized. We can see this in the health, education and housing.

But I think that what happens with education is the most important, because education is one of the foundations of a society, is precisely in schools where values that are considered fundamental are transmitted to our childrens, Neoliberalism transmits values such as competition and individualism, ignoring that the foundation of all learning should always be collective.
In Chile, this start after the military coup on 1973, from there our education has been privatized more and more.

Because of that, over the last years young students have protested, stopping their activities and siting their schools or universities.
Because of that, over the last years young students have protested, stopping their activities and siting their schools or universities for ask other education that should understands them like critical subjects and not just recipients of knowledge.

For me there are two principal challenges. The first is pass to the request to the proposition, the education movement has been characterized by going to ask for free and quality education, waiting for an answer from the State, but there are things that we can start building from now without anyone's permission.

The second challenge is understand that the problem is with a system, so problems are not only on education, also this system affect workers, teachers, etc. So we have to struggle together.

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