Hi, today I'm gona talk about an expert on Anthropology
that I admire. But first I have to explain whats
is Anthropology: Anthropology
is mainly based on the study of culture, diversity and critical analysis of
societies, is responsible for studying the reality of the human being through a
holistic approach.
One well-known expert on this was Pierre Clastres, he
was a French anthropologist and ethnologist. He was director of research at the
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Paris, and member of the
Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Sociale of the Collège de France. He joined the
anarchist ideology and was actively involved in the events known as the French
May. He was well known for his field work. He worked with Guayaki or Ache
Indians from Paraguay and Brazil. Died prematurely in a car accident in 1977,
leaving his work incomplete and scattered. Pierre Clastres opens the discussion
of power and statehood in societies where the state is not present.

point of view. Also, I believe that your work has been so relevant that
has affected not only anthropology if not philosophy, anarchism and political
Thanks Ana. Good job. Whenever you are writing think about the register of the text i.e. formal/informal and, depending on this you select the best words and style.